The Start
October 2008
Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the world to Blockchain technology. See the original (White paper). Within a year, a Blockchain transaction between two parties transferring assets, was executed for the first time. Today, more and more organizations are turning to Blockchain to solve critical function flaws, throughout all major industries. This technology transforms the way businesses operate, by using decentralized distributed technology for efficiency, redundancy, accuracy and security.
Fundamentally, a BlockChain is a digital ledger storing a chain of connected blocks. The Blocks are then shared using secured cryptography on a distributed decentralized network.
Encrypted information is contained in each block, including the previous block link information. One would have to modify every block in the entire chain, in every copy of the Chain, in every node on the network to achieve an undetected modification.
All individual blocks, on a BlockChain, are peer validated, creating redundant integrity, and preventing policy violations and malicious activity.
Using membership functions in cryptographic security, Blockchain provides tamper free, private, simple data sharing, between parties.
The Blockchain creates a time stamped log, including record of origin, for each confirmed transaction.