Who and Why
is Decentralizing
Decentralized Blockchain Technolgy empowers the infrastructure of tomorrow’s advanced applications. A positive driving factor of profound change across society, business and community. But before computers, or even electricity, decentralization was being applied by industry. Insurance, for instance, was started when a group of ship owners came up with a contract of mutual understanding to protect their ships. This agreement stated they all had a ship, and that if any one ship would get captured by pirates or damaged, that they would collectively cover the costs. Like Insurance, there are decentralized examples throughout history. The proven examples over time, only validated the adaptation of BlockChain into the business community.
Tomorrows Views
Just like in the past, decentralization is revolutionizing the way we think, this time in technology. Blockchain will boost artificial intelligence application, along with the Internet of Things, creating secure, smarter, more efficient infrastructure across all sectors. Fundamental changes, that create safer bridges in the interaction between people, business, community and government. Pirate Coin, holding steady into the wind of change.