A bit about us

and our Crew!

Pirate Coin ®

Collaboration of Partners

Pirate Coin ®, together with Pirate Power LLC, M2M² ®, Site Imagine ®, CodeCare OÜ ® and BlockGeeks Inc ®, have established a joint team of leading developers from multiple technology industries, combining infrastructure, and producing a rare and complete set of talents. These focused talents enable Pirate Coin ® to address the diverse requirements of BlockChain Data Management, Storage and Migration.

What's New!

on the press


M2M² ® has launched its contract data processing facility.

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Octorber 17, 2017 10:02am EST


M2M² ® and CodeCare OÜ ® are joining to develop a new Blockchain!

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February 13, 2018 3:12pm EST


The Birth of Pirate Coin ®!

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May 7, 2018 11:27am EST

Meet the Crew

get to know us!

Sunset on the Horizon

Active BlockChain Migrations

Current Projects


Dairy and Agricultural technology

Developing technology rich agricultural applications that help reduce the overall carbon footprint, increases production and reduces operation costs. Dairy & Agricultural, with its supply chain management requirements, is ideal for BlockChain applications.



Healthcare Practice Management

Developing a robust and scalable practice management platform running on BlockChain technology. This platform will encompass all major components of practice management, including Patient Records, Scheduling, Prescriptions and Referrals.



Business Technology Services

Developing a back-end interface to allow WebFurbished.com to accept Pirate Coin as a form of payment. Planing Phase One, on the future migration of product purchase history and recurring payment system, to our BlockChain technology.


More about the Crew

{Pirate Power LLC}

Pirate Power LLC., {Pirate Power} is a managed service provider, providing seamless installation, service, support and maintenance of utility renewable energy technology. Pirate Power manages an ever-changing compilation of vendor relationships, to bring our customers the best technologies and services available today, while maintaining some of the most competitive pricing around.
Pirate Power manages several areas of renewable energy, based around solar, wind and biogas production. Combining power redundancy, while reducing the overall carbon footprint. Together, Pirate Power LLC, Pirate Coin LLC, M2M² ®, Solar Dairy LLC and a number of other partners, have formed a carbon coalition pledging to be 100% carbon neutral by 2022. For more information click WeCarbonFree for more info.


A leader in software development innovations, with an extensive portfolio in Blockchain technology. Recently completed projects include, (SNOVIO) The world’s first decentralized lead generating platform, (JOBEUM) a Blockchain based professional network for recruiters, (TRAVEL COIN) a Travel Ticket Booking Blockchain, (BlockStarter) a platform for launching ICO campaign’s, and (EXMO) an International Cryptocurrency Exchange.
With extensive development language proficiencies and a proven track record in BlockChain development, Code&Care can re-design the distribution of network resources, and enhances the market relevance of digital infrastructure with accurate and carful deployment.

M2M² ®

Machine to Machine Squared… (M2M² ®) is a cloud based Data and information Technology Company that offers business access to a number of managed products. Servers, Computers, Laptops, Tablets, Wi-Fi and Data networks, all come with support and maintenance. This functionality allow business to run smarter, faster and sharper, keeping the focus on growth.
In the first quarter of 2018, M2M² ® launched its first contracted data processing facility, and has steadily increased the raw production monthly. M2M² ® is currently developing direct interface, facilitating Pirate Coin ® the ability to contract processing capacity from M2M² ® on demand.

Site Imagine

Site Imagine houses some of the most creative and productive minds in the design and digital graphic industry. When developing Web and Mobile applications, "the core programing" could be refered to as the brain and the "graphic and style" could be refered to as the face. Site imagine can take the face of business, to unique new heights.
Imagine & Create... (Site Imagine) a suite of creative services allowing the new production or re-invention of Image, presence and functionality. Create Logos and marketing material, build and market on the Web, sell Online and much more.

BlockGeeks Inc

BlockGeeks Inc, a visionary partner and leader in Blockchain education. With some of the most comprehensive and professional programs for non-developers, entry level programmers and IT professionals available.
BlockGeeks Inc, provides government agencies and business administration access to the training and knowledge needed to help guide sound decisions in the world of Blockchain. Empowering the Pirate Training Camp, our brightest Blockchain education is just a click away.
